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La Catedral del Senderismo

  • Author: Eric Dengler

Catedral del senderismo

La Catedral del Senderismo, also known as the route of the 6000 steps, is without a doubt the best known and most representative route of La Vall de Laguar. This great route crosses the ravines of Racons and l'Infern (the latter two times) and passes through the Juvées de Dalt and Juvées d'Enmig. Along the way you can discover a fascinating landscape, rocky and steep, carved out by the force of the water.

Distance: 13 km

Time: 5h00.

Grade: Heavy.

Type: Circular.

Gps Track: Yes.

Route description: Yes.

Wheelchair: Not suitable.

Dog: Allowed.

Height gain: 740 meters.

Trail: Mainly unpaved.

Marking: PR-CV147 - White - Yellow.

Hiking shoes recommended.



The walk goes around the Barranc de l'Infern, the Ravine of Hell in La Vall de Laguar. From Fleix the route goes to the spectacular Barranc de l'Infern, which you will cross twice. After the second descent to the Barranc de l'Infern, a demanding final climb will finally take you to Benimaurell and then back to Fleix. The route is well signposted as PR-CV 147, so it is not difficult in terms of orientation. The Vall de Laguar was under Muslim rule for centuries and was also a refuge for the last Valencian Moors who rebelled but eventually surrendered in 1609. They were then expelled to North Africa and the area was repopulated in 1611 with several farming families from Mallorca.

Catdedral del senderismo

Download PDF for map and route description.

Take enough drinking water along.