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Around Sint Jansteen

Sint Jansteen

This detour with a lot of natural beauty goes through the water extraction area Sint Jansteen to Kapellebrug to return through the Clingse Bossen.

Distance: 6.2 km.

Time: 1h30.

Grade: Easy.

Type: Circular.

Gps Track: Yes.

Route description: Yes.

Wheelchair: Not suitable.

Dog: Allowed.

Height gain: Flat.

Trail: Paved and unpaved.

Marking: Walking nodes.

Hiking shoes recommended.


Clings forests.

We leave the church at node 51 and turn right into Heerestraat, which we follow a long way. At node 98 we turn left and walk through the water extraction area until we arrive at Sint Jansstraat. Here we turn left and follow the street until node 96. Here we turn left again into Van Hogendorplaan. We cross the Gentsevaart and follow the cycle path on the left until just before the parking lot of a supermarket, here we turn right and soon the paved road becomes unpaved.

We follow the direction of node 93 and later to node 92 through a piece of the Clings Bossen. We return to the Gentsevaart and follow the cycle path on the right. We pass the chapel Onze-Lieve-Vrouw ter Eecken and at Fort Austria we turn right in the direction of node 91. We arrive at the Roskamstraat and at the first intersection turn left and follow the Roskamstraat, cross the Gentsevaart and immediately afterwards turn right. We go through a piece of forest and arrive at De Verrekijker. Here we follow the direction of node 51 the starting point. Also pay attention to large stones from the Dream Project with texts by the writer Jozef Everaard, which you will encounter in various places.

Sint Jansteen

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POI 1 - Water extraction area Sint Jansteen.

The Sint Jansteen water extraction area is a large water extraction area and nature reserve near the towns of Heikant, Sint Jansteen, Kapellebrug, Clinge and Hulst. This area, which covers 450 hectares, is owned by the water company Evides, but has been managed since 2009 by the Het Zeeuwse Landschap foundation.

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POI 2 - Chapel of Our Lady in Eecken.

Initially, the chapel may have been a chapel dedicated to Saint George, and it was only later overshadowed by the worship of Mary. Many visited this chapel to heal from fevers and illnesses, which turned the chapel into a place of pilgrimage. The first entry in the archives of Hulst takes place under the entry of "onser Vrouwen ter Eecken".

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POI 3 - Fort Austria.

Fort Austria was a fort that was founded by the Spanish in 1590 to provide protection against invasions by the Geuzen. The fort may have been located to the north of Kapellebrug, where the Kapelstraat meets the Gentsevaart.

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