This walk goes through mixed forests of the Gerhagen nature reserve and along fens through forest heather in the nature reserve Averbode Heide, in short pure nature.
Distance: 14 km.
Time: 3h30.
Grade: Moderate.
Type: Circular.
Gps Track: Yes.
Route description: Yes.
Wheelchair: Not suitable.
Dog: Allowed.
Height gain: 97 meters.
Trail: 85% unpaved.
Marking: Walking nodes.
Hiking shoes recommended.
The walk starts near the VVV-tower and goes through mixed forest to the Zavelberg. Here you walk in the vicinity of the Gerhagenloop along meadows and fields to arrive at the Gerhagenvijver. Then you walk again through a more wooded area in the direction of the Turnhoutsebaan. Immediately after you have crossed the road you will come to the viewing hut at the Munnickxsgoor. From the hut you walk through the Luikerdreef and through a wetter area on a winding boardwalk. Then you follow a piece of heather to suddenly get a beautiful view of the Munnickxgoor and the Nooit Gedacht fen. You continue through the Kloosterbos and a beautiful piece of forest heath that used to be part of the Goote Heide. You cross the Turnhoutsebaan back and you now mainly go through mixed forest to the Pinnekensweier. Here you can deviate from the route to look at the Grote and Kleine fen. You return to the starting point via the Heggebossenweg. After the walk it is certainly worthwhile to climb the VVV watchtower on the Zandberg. From the tower you can enjoy a beautiful panorama of a sea of green. The forest museum is also worth a visit.
Download PDf for nodes to follow.
POI 1 - Gerhagen.
More than half of Gerhagen is forested. Most of it consists of Scots pine and Corsican pine, a subspecies of the Black pine. The oldest current forest with only Scots pines dates from 1915. In a few places we also find some Maritime pines, such as on the Zandberg near the VVV tower. Thanks to a changed forest management, more attention is paid to the hardwood. That hardwood therefore begins to manifest itself in several places. In addition, a beautiful mixed forest has been created on the edge of the Pinnekenswijer breeding area, consisting mainly of Oak, Birch and Scots pine. In the lower part and in the vicinity of the stream “de Gerhagenloop”, meadows and fields occur because of a somewhat richer soil. The ± 32 ha Flemish nature reserve "Pinnekensweier" is centrally located. The Pinnekensweier has two fens: the “large fen” and the “small fen”. They are only fed by rainwater. The water level is therefore strongly dependent on the weather conditions. These hanging fens are low in oxygen and quite acidic, because of the stagnant water and the impenetrable soil. To the south lies the ± 210 ha Flemish nature reserve “Houterenberg”. That area consists mainly of forests and heathland with drifting sands.
Bosmuseum Gerhagen.