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Sources and Alser forest

  • Author: TrailExplorer

Sources walk

On this beautiful walk you will see not only the typical sources of the Voer region, but also the half-timbered houses in Veurs, badger fortresses and beautiful forests. The unique views make it an absolute hit.

Distance: 11 km.

Time: 3h30.

Grade: Moderate.

Type: Circular.

Gps Track: Yes.

Route description: Yes.

Wheelchair: Not suitable.

Dog: Allowed.

Height gain: 288 meters.

Trail: Paved and unpaved.

Marking: Walking nodes.

Hiking shoes recommended.


Veurs valley.

At the starting point you go up a hollow road where the water comes straight from the bottom. This is the Kole source, adapted footwear is a necessity for this route. You continue through a piece of the beautiful Broek forest to arrive at the romantic-looking vineyard Krindael. You go through a piece of pasture in the direction of the Veurs Valley. This pearl is one of the most beautiful nature reserves in the Voeren region. You pass the entrance to the longest railway tunnel in Belgium (2130 meters long, on the Aachen-Tongeren freight route) and the source of the river Veurs to get to Veurs. You go through this beautiful half-timbered village and through fields to Sint-Pieters-Voeren. Here you will pass the beautiful Commandery of the German Order. You also walk along fields to the Alser forest where the badger feels at home on the western slope. After a walk in the forest you follow the edge of the forest, with beautiful views. The impressive railway bridge of Sint-Martens-Voeren soon comes into view and so is the end of this beautiful walk.

Sources walk

Download PDf for nodes to follow.

Paths can be soggy.

POI 1 - The Veurs valley.

Because of the exceptional fauna and flora, this nature reserve with its largely old orchards, forest edges, slopes and graves is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful in the Voeren region. It is an important foraging area for badgers. The new managers want to fully restore nature by planting high-stemmed fruit, knots and hedges. Graves are reforested so that they can accommodate badger fortresses, and at least two amphibian pools are constructed. Thanks to intensive grazing management, the lime flora must once again be given full opportunities so that the orchids, among other things, can flower again. Hawks, red kites, stone and wood owls feel great in this valley.


POI 2 - Alser forest.

The Alser forest extends over an area of 65 hectares, from north to south, with a height of 160 to 240 meters above sea level. The western slope is very steep and starts at the bottom of a deep, hollow road that follows a dry depression or "delle"; an environment where the badger feels at home and where an ideal living and foraging area is available.
