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Peel Path - Stage 07

Peel path

This stage goes through the nature reserves De Waterbloem, the Kleine Moost, the Simonshoekse bos and the De Groote Peel National Park.

Distance: 19 km.

Time: 5h00.

Grade: Moderate.

Type: Point to point.

Gps Track: Yes.

Route description: Yes.

Wheelchair: Not suitable.

Dog: Allowed.

Height gain: Flat.

Trail: 72% unpaved.

Marking: See PDF route description.

Hiking shoes recommended.


Eternal Life.

The forests of Waterbloem form a varied forest area with agricultural land, groves, swamps and grasslands. The area was a large swamp area until around 1850. De Kleine Moost area is part of the so-called Peelrestanten. De Kleine Moost was drained after the peat had been extracted. Later, the area on the higher parts was planted with coniferous forests. Attempts have also been made to afforest the ground in the lower parts, but this has never been successful due to the wet situation. Part of the area has recently been redesigned. Via the Noordervaart the stage goes to Meijel. Napoleon started digging the Noorder canal in 1808, when the necessity disappeared, the excavation work was stopped. In 1853, Rijkswaterstaat made the canal navigable for peat extraction in the Peel. After leaving Meijel, the stage goes via the Simonshoekse forest, a small varied forest area, to the De Groote Peel National Park. De Groote Peel is a beautiful walking area with a rich nature. The former high moor area also has a special history, many traces of which can still be seen in the field. The history of peat extraction and other uses of the peat also lives on in the many field names. Field names such as 't Eeuwig Leven, Aan' t Elfde, De Pijp, Koe-uier and Lumme buske are some of the many field names in this area. Each of these names say something about the relevant piece of peel, such as Eternal Life. An inn with that name once stood on this spot.

Peel path

Download PDF for route description.

Part of De Groote Peel National Park is closed to the public during the breeding season from 15 March to 15 July and during bird migration from 15 October to 30 November. During these periods, follow the alternative.