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Groene Woud 5 - Variant

Groene Woud path

Line walk from Boxtel to Sint-Michielsgestel through the Spruce Kingdom, the Venrode Estate, along the Dommel river and through the Zegenwerp estate in the Het Groene Woud National Landscape. This 14 kilometer long linear walk is the short version of the 20 kilometer long linear walk Het Groene Woud-5 that ends at the station in Vught.

Distance: 14 km.

Time: 3h00.

Grade: Moderate.

Type: Point to point.

Gps Track: Yes.

Route description: Yes.

Wheelchair: Not suitable.

Dog: Allowed.

Height gain: No info.

Trail: 64% unpaved.

Marking: See PDF route description.

Hiking shoes recommended.



The hike goes via the Leijsenven walking park to the Sparrenrijk nature reserve and recreational forest. The Sparrenrijk was created when the Halsche Heide was reclaimed. After leaving the Spruce Kingdom, the tour goes through the Venrode Estate, along the Dommel river and the Zegenwerp estate to Sint-Michielsgestel. In the Venrode estate you pass two very beautiful fens created by drifting and a recently discovered burial mound. The estate is located on a drifting sand ridge. Around 1900, Scots pine was planted in this drifting sand. Gradually a birch-oak forest developed here. Zegenwerp is an old noble estate. The current situation arose around 1850, when the estate was transformed into the English landscape style. In the estate you pass Huize Zegenwerp, a simple country house from the end of the 18th century.

Groene Woud Path

Download PDF for route description.

You can also walk the long variant of 20 kilometers Het Groene Woud-5 that ends at the station in Vught.

Map & Poi's.