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Wijboschbroek Tour


Walking tour through the Wijboschbroek and Smaldonken, a sub-area of the Wijboschbroek. The Wijboschbroek nature reserve used to be an area of swamp forests, the word 'broek' in the name indicates that it is a wet area.

Distance: 14 km.

Time: 3h30.

Grade: Moderate.

Type: Circular.

Gps Track: Yes.

Route description: Yes.

Wheelchair: Not suitable.

Dog: Allowed.

Height gain: No info.

Trail: 80% unpaved.

Marking: See PDF route description.

Waterproof hiking shoes recommended.


Smaldonken nature reserve.

In the nineteenth century the Wijboschbroek was partially drained and converted to pasture, at the end of the nineteenth century afforestation started and poplars were planted on rebates, elongated embankments. Poplar cultivation in this wet loam forest has been an important source of income for the clog industry. In this small-scale bocage landscape, wet grasslands, poplar plots and old forest alternate. The Smaldonken nature reserve is a varied nature reserve with poplar plantations, fields and meadows. Over the centuries, a small-scale farmland developed with a network of fields, meadows, hedgerows, bushes and sandy paths. The 60-hectare area is now largely owned by Staatsbosbeheer, which has created groves and pools and restored the area to its former state. In the area, 20 hectares have been set up as a food forest consisting of different vegetation layers with high trees such as walnut trees, lower fruit trees, berry bushes and perennial herbs in the lowest vegetation layer. The Schijndel Sheepfold houses the sheep herd of the Old Indigenous Breeds Foundation, which largely consists of the Kempen Heath sheep, an indigenous heath breed, but also the Veluwe Heath sheep, the Drenthe Heath sheep, the Schoonebeeker and the Mergelland sheep. Wijboschbroek is a swamp forest with paths that can be swampy, especially during the wetter seasons, sturdy walking shoes are preferably waterproof.


Download PDf for route description.