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  • Author: TrailExplorer


This varied walk takes you from Opoeteren through the Dorperheide and via the cultural landscape De Houw to the Vossenberg on the edge of the Kempisch Plateau. Then it goes to Bergerven nature reserve and along the Zuid-Willems canal. The last part you walk through the valley of the Bosbeek.

Distance: 15 km.

Time: 3h45.

Grade: Moderate.

Type: Circular.

Gps Track: Yes.

Route description: Yes.

Wheelchair: Not suitable.

Dog: Allowed.

Height gain: 135 meter.

Trail: 95% unpaved.

Marking: Yellow hexagon.

Hiking shoes recommended.


Bosbeek valley.

From the Dorper mill you walk on paved roads to leave the village. You walk into the Dorperheide where you go through a beautiful valley and then go along the edge of the forest through the cultural landscape of De Houw. Forest paths alternate with paths through a more open landscape. Once you have crossed the Europaweg you suddenly end up on a sandy surface and you are on the Vossenberg. You are here on the edge of the Kempisch Plateau. The viewpoint gives you a view of the industrial area just below your feet and in the distance on the Maas valley. You walk along the edge of the plateau, you go through mixed forest and arrive at the Chapel Van De Weerstand. Here you can already take a look at the Bergerven. You go a short distance next to the Bergerven, unfortunately the view is sometimes obstructed by bushes. You climb up the dike and arrive at the Zuid-Willems canal. You follow the canal, on the way you get a nice view of the Bergerven at a bench. Just before camping 't Eilandje you leave the bank of the canal and continue your walk through mixed forest. A viewpoint gives you a last beautiful view of the Bergerven. You will now start a descent and you will end up at the Volmolen. The last part of the walk goes through the valley of the Bosbeek, you follow the meandering brook untill you reach the village.

Bosbeek valley

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