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Rietvelden Tour

  • Author: Eric Dengler

Reed beds

This walk takes you along three nature reserves in the Wase Scheldepolders around Kallo: De Lisdodde, Groot Rietveld and Rietveld Kallo.

Distance: 11 km.

Time: 3h00.

Grade: Easy.

Type: Circular.

Gps Track: Yes.

Route description: Yes.

Wheelchair: Not suitable.

Dog: Not allowed.

Height gain: Flat.

Trail: Paved and unpaved.

Marking: None.

Hiking shoes recommended.

Reed beds.

From the starting point you walk in the direction of the Lisdodde nature reserve. The Lisdodde is located between the beautiful village of Kallo and the Scheldt. Reeds, ponds with cattails, grasslands and willow groves are the setting for this beautiful piece of nature. A wooden club path guides you through the swampy areas. You make a loop along the Melkader and the spur of the Bazeput. Walkers with dogs, however, cannot use this loop, the need to go straight over the bridge. Along the Bazeput you go further in the direction of Fort Sint-Marie.

From the Fort you walk further to the protected nature reserve Groot Rietveld, inaccessible to dogs. After the Groot Rietveld we arrive at the freely accessible Rietveld Kallo. This has an area of ​​approximately 47 ha and consists mainly of reed marshes with deep and shallow pools. The Rietveld Kallo is partly designated as a compensation area for the natural values ​​that were lost during the construction of the Liefkenshoek railway connection by Infrabel. Here you go almost all the way around the large lake to reach the starting point via the village center.


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There is an alternative route for walkers with dogs.

POI 3 - Fort Sint-Marie.

Fort Sint-Marie is one of the oldest forts around Antwerp, built from 1584 on behalf of Spanish general Alessandro Farnese to defend the Scheldt together with Fort Sint-Filips and to protect a floating raft bridge over the Scheldt. In 1865 a new fort was built as part of the Great Walls of Henri Alexis Brialmont and between 1881 and 1882 the fort was equipped with the only torpedo installation in Belgium. The fort is not open to the public.

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POI 4 - Groot Rietveld.

The Rietveld occupies part of the Melselepolder. This area was reclaimed with sand for the expansion of the Port of Antwerp, a project that was not completed. In 1999 the area, where many reed birds had settled, was temporarily secured by Natuurpunt. Later the protection became definitive as a nature compensation area. It is important as a breeding area for waterfowl and reed birds.

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