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Nature Reserve Hertberg

  • Author: Rik Coussement


This walking introduces you to this beautiful nature reserve that consists mainly of monotonous pine forests, but has gradually been transformed into a very varied area with deciduous forest, coniferous forest, heathland and fen.

Distance: 11 km.

Time: 3h00.

Grade: Easy.

Type: Circular.

Gps Track: Yes.

Route description: Yes.

Wheelchair: Not suitable.

Dog: Allowed.

Height gain: Flat.

Trail: Paved and unpaved.

Marking: Walking nodes.

Hiking shoes recommended.


Hertberg Nature Reserve.

This walk meanders through the Hertberg area, a 310 ha forest complex that was part of the former property of the princely family Merode. It owes its name to the more than 30 meters high Hertberg at node 30, an iron-sandstone hill that was formed in the Diestiaansea. By the way, the center of Herselt is surrounded by 7 hills and therefore it is elevated by some inhabitants to "Little Rome". Here you will be rewarded with a beautiful view and here you will notice that the American oak is fought and that is fully deployed on local trees, such as winter and pedunculate oak, beech .... Then you gradually descend to node 25 where you stare at a very strange path. Yes, you can step straight through a field here, in the summer through high corn. If desired, you can go to the right by taking a break in "Den Hulst", a local inn with up to 250 different types of beer. Along the way cultural-historical relics are visible, such as the princely drifts and historical rebates, elongated embankments with drainage ditches in between that were built in the forest for forestry. Characteristic of Hertberg are the single oaks or linden trees on the crossroads of roads, the so-called Mariatrees.


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Waterproof hiking shoes recommended during wet periods.

POI 1 - Hertberg Nature Reserve.

Geographically Hertberg is located at the junction of the Kempen and Hageland, which offers the domain additional advantages. We find some 'mountains', witness hills from a distant past when the Diestian Sea reached into these parts. Hertberg consists mainly of monotonous pine forests, but is gradually being transformed into a very varied area with deciduous forest, coniferous forest, heathland and dunes. For example, open spaces were created where heather can develop. Routes have been created for the different types of recreationists. A qualitative wheelchair cart path was created for wheelchair users and families with buggies. The surroundings of Mie Maan, the accompanying car parks along the Diestsebaan and the village center of Blauberg form the entry points from which the various recreation groups within and in line with the area find their liking. Play forests are provided in the vicinity of the boarding places and on the side of the Bergom village center. Dog zones were provided around tavern 'Mie Maan', in the north against the village center of Bergom and in the south along the side of Blauberg.

Domain Hertberg.