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Pasareles de Valloré

  • Author: TrailExplorer

Pasareles de Valloré

This short walk in the Maestrazgo region goes through the beautiful Valloré gorge where you follow the course of the Guadalope river over footbridges. Along the way you can enjoy the beautiful colours of the river that finds its way between the steep rock walls where griffon vultures accompany your journey.

Distance: 4 km.

Time: 1h30.

Grade: Easy.

Type: Back and forth.

Gps Track: Yes.

Route description: No.

Wheelchair: Not suitable.

Dog: Allowed.

Height gain: 126 meters.

Trail: 97% unpaved.

Marking: PR-TE10 - White - Yellow.

Hiking shoes recommended.



The walk starts in the small hamlet of Montoro de Mezquita at the Eras de Montoro recreation area, where you start the descent to the gorge a little further on. After the descent, you follow a path that takes you in the direction of the Guadalope river. You follow the riverbed on a well-maintained path. At a small waterfall you come to the first footbridge, which is anchored quite close to the river. Now follow a succession of 5 more footbridges and along the way spectacular views of the limestone and Christmas formations that are typical of the landscape in the Maestrazgo region. The Guadalope river is an important lifeline in the region. The crystal clear water flows through the gorge and forms small waterfalls and tranquil pools. After the footbridges, the route continues a little further along the river. You return to the starting point via the same route. Alternative: At WP2 on the map you can turn left, indicated by a signpost, Mirador de Valloré. This route climbs to the viewpoint of Valloré via numerous secured passages and then descends to Montoro de Mezquita. This alternative is not recommended for people with vertigo and is for experienced hikers. Take the necessary precautions before starting this route.

Pasareles de Valloré

 Download PDF for map.

Alternative: Not recommended for people with a fear of heights.