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The valleys of the L'Ouysse and L'Alzou

  • Author: TrailExplorer

L'Ouysse and l'Alzou

This walk leaves at the Gouffre de Cabouy and introduces you to the karst valleys of the L'Ouysse and L'Alzou. These valleys are part of the Regional Natural Park Causses de Quercy.

Distance: 8 km.

Time: 2h30.

Grade: Easy.

Type: Circular.

Gps Track: Yes.

Route description: Yes.

Wheelchair: Not suitable.

Dog: Allowed.

Height gain: 339 meters.

Trail: 95% unpaved.

Marking: PR - Yellow dash.

Hiking shoes recommended.


Karst valleys in Rocamadour.

The walk leaves at the gouffre de Cabouy, here the river L'Ouysse comes back up after an underground trajectory of 835 meters. Then you climb via a piece of the GR6 above the valley of L'Ouysse. Afterwards you descend again to the D673 and then start a climb to the source "Font Basse". When you are on the plateau you have a beautiful view of the surrounding valleys around Rocamadour. Then it goes back down to go in the beautiful valley of L'Alzou. The river is surrounded by beautiful rocks and a thick canopy. The last part you climb out of the valley and you reach the col de Mage where the Croix Du Crouzol stands that was erected for the pilgrims who traveled to Rocamadour and Santiago de Compostella.

L'Ouysse and l'Alzou

Download PDF for route description.

During the walk there are some steep climbs.

POI 1 - Causses de Quercy.

The Parc naturel régional des Causses du Quercy is a nature reserve with a total of 176,000 hectares. It is a hilly landscape that is intersected by the deep river valleys of the Lot and the Célé. The lime soil is very porous, with the result that water quickly sinks into the soil. The vegetation on the plateau is difficult to maintain, especially in the dry hot summers. The armetid crooked oaks on the Causses have a clear function in retaining water and keeping the environment livable. The water has formed the area. The river valleys are clearly visible. But there are also the subterranean rivers, of which the most famous is Le Gouffre de Padirac. The water also ensured that all kinds of caves were created in the area, such as the famous Peche Merle cave.

Parc Naturel Régional Causses de Quercy.